Thursday, 7 April 2016


Following the completion of our filming we used Abode premier pro to edit it into our main brief  which allows us to add different sounds and change the lighting on the video. Moreover we can pick out of all the clips we shot to put into the mini brief which gives us the best possible finish.

Below is a print screen image that Lily took that displays the sound and clip inputs into our mini brief. 

Here you can see that the audio clips are in green. We chose to overlap some audio to make it realistic and so that the non-digetic sound mixes well with the digetic making the audience believe that the music is part of the scene.

Included in our Main brief are some sounds like dog barking which add to the scary setting. As well as this we later include a scream jump scare from the dead girl which will frighten the audience.

During the editing process there were a few issues raised with filming for example; as mentioned before with group criticisms - Liv was sitting then standing as we merged two scenes with editing. To counter this problem we re-filmed the scene later that week to have smoother transitions which makes the whole scene flow smoothly.

We are yet to complete our second stage of filming where we include Lucy as the dead missing girl standing behind Lily and Liv where we can add digetic sound to enhance the scare.

Due to re filming the lightening can be different during certain transitions because of the editing. We tried to hide this by lowering the brightness and changing the filter which fits with the horror genre as it becomes far darker and has connotations of death and sadness. 

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